How Important is the Estimate in Car Repair?
When it comes to analyzing the estimate of car repair, it is important that you look very closely at the overall estimate. Especially since many auto repair professionals love to take advantage of customers that have no idea what they are being charged and how to look over and estimate in-depth, you need to know what the estimate entails before you commit to having a professional in auto repair in St. Paul, MN repair your car for you. Below is everything you need to do before you agree to an auto repair professional’s estimate.
It’s very important
Allow us to stress this again: the estimate in a car repair is extremely important! Most of the time, what a auto repair professional is going to charge you will already be in the estimate – and if you feel as if they charge you an unfair rate after they’ve repair your car for you, you can consult the estimate and show them their original proposal before you agree to pay. While an estimate cannot be seen as a contract, it is nevertheless a roadmap for how much you will pay for the professional’s repairs.
Verify shop’s labor rate
One of the ways that auto mechanics inflate their estimate is by overcharging their labor rate and how many hours they expect the car repair to take. The difference between being charged fairly for a labor rate and being overcharged could very well be thousands of dollars in some instances! Thus, you need to ask for references before you agree to an estimate a consult with other customers to see what they were charged for their labor rate.
Moreover, always get a second opinion from another auto repair professional. It is one of the best ways to know if your estimate is fair.
Double-check miscellaneous charges
Another way that mechanics get away with inflating their estimate is by tacking on bogus miscellaneous charges. This usually includes hazardous waste disposal fees, disposing of dirty rags, chemicals, and so on. These items will usually be itemized at the end of the estimate, so go through them separately and ask the car repair professional how many of these items actually need to be tacked on to the invoice. Tell them to explain to you why certain items were included in the miscellaneous charges – especially if it doesn’t make sense for them to be there. If they cannot provide you with a legitimate reason for every item, consider taking your business elsewhere.
Verify flat fees
When obtaining car repair, you may also see a charge for flat fees. This is another method used for adding expenses to an estimate. If you see such a charge, ask them to explain to you everything that was included in the flat fee. If you notice that some of the services mentioned do not belong in the flat fee, tell them to take it out or again, mentioned that you will take your business elsewhere.